January 22, 2017January 22, 2017, Featured, News, 0 Psionic Aftermath is defeated by Ash3s 3-4 in a hard fought clan war. [arve url=”https://youtu.be/9n-DaijVEL4″/]
Dreadski, Master League Zerg looking for trainee’s July 18, 2012October 16, 2016, Featured, News, 0 Master League Zerg Trainer Dreadski is looking for members to join Zerg training. Head over to the Training Section...
+ Through magic feats and player swaps September 22, 2012September 22, 2012, Featured, News, 0 Team Insaneguy comes out with the win 3-2 in the Team Insaneguy vs Team Elendil Tournament. View the replay...
+ Team Ferrite vs Team Dreadski, Watch Live Tonight 8/17 @ 7:30PM CST August 17, 2012October 16, 2016, News, 0 Be prepared for an epic battle between our Co-Leaders Ferrite and Dreadski, along with their respective teams tonight. Stay tuned for more info...
+ Clan Wars 101 August 5, 2012October 16, 2016, Featured, News, 0 Multi Talented Moderator / Event Coordinator / Caster ggAudacity did a great write up on about Clan Wars in...
+ Replay of Feb 27th Victory vs Rival Gaming February 28, 2017February 28, 2017, Featured, News, 0 Psionic Aftermath victorious 3-2 vs Rival Gaming in our first Alpha Team League Match on Feb 27th 2017.
+ Psionic Aftermath vs Confed [Clan War] January 14, 2017January 14, 2017, Featured, News, 0 Psionic Aftermath is defeated by Confed 4-5 in a hard fought clan war.
+ Psionic Aftermath vs Art of Warfare January 23, 2017January 23, 2017, Featured, News, 0 Psionic Aftermath Victorious in their Clan War vs Art of Warfare final score 3-2.
+ Riumy comes out victorious in our in house 1v1 tournament! August 26, 2012August 26, 2012, Featured, News, 0 Give props to Riumy for coming out victorious in our 1v1 tournament! Thank you to everyone who participated and...