August 5, 2012August 7, 2012, Featured, News, 4 Check out this video from fox news, StarCraft as a future olympic event… Where some of our players could be in the future! Watch the latest video at (plays after the advertisement that fox put in the video)
+ Congratulations to ByuN the 2016 StarCraft II WCS Champion – StarCraft II November 6, 2016November 6, 2016, Featured, News, 0 Congratulations to ByuN the winner of the 2016 StarCraft II World Championship Series! Source: Congratulations to the 2016 StarCraft...
+ Psionic Aftermath vs Confed [Clan War] January 14, 2017January 14, 2017, Featured, News, 0 Psionic Aftermath is defeated by Confed 4-5 in a hard fought clan war.
+ Blizzard Korea Bans 10,000 Overwatch Cheaters in Wake of “Nuking” Attacks January 13, 2017January 13, 2017, Featured, News, 2 The battle against hackers continues. Source: Blizzard Korea Bans 10,000 Overwatch Cheaters in Wake of “Nuking” Attacks
+ Psionic Aftermath vs Team Horizon [Clan War] January 21, 2017January 22, 2017, Featured, News, 0 Psionic Aftermath is defeated by Team Horizon 4-6 in a hard fought clan war.
+ Unity And Prosperity Come With A New Beginning! Meet Dreadski! August 4, 2012October 16, 2016, Featured, News, 0 After much thought and consideration Dreadski was appointed as Co-Leader of Psionic Aftermath! He was chosen because of his...
+ Twitter YouTube and Integration August 7, 2012August 11, 2012, Featured, News, 0 We have a social thing going on here if you haven’t noticed. You can now sync your Twitter posts,...
+ Psionic Aftermath vs Ash3s [Clan War] January 22, 2017January 22, 2017, Featured, News, 0 Psionic Aftermath is defeated by Ash3s 3-4 in a hard fought clan war.
This would be great for e-sports!!!
Town Planning…..that is hardcore stuff there…..
amazing! i can’t believe things are going towards digital worlds this is so exciting!
lol i love how the female anchor said it was sad that video games were being considered as possible olympic events in the future…