While readying for Psionic Aftermath’s HOTS Relaunch we have migrated to a new server. If you see any unexpected behavior please let site admin Insaneguy know.
Server Migration Complete
Psionic Aftermath vs The Formless Bearsloths on The Nydus
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Psionic Aftermath Victorious in their clan war vs The Formless Bearsloths on The Nydus (actual match starts at 35 minutes...
Team Ferrite vs Team Dreadski, Watch Live Tonight 8/17 @ 7:30PM CST
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Be prepared for an epic battle between our Co-Leaders Ferrite and Dreadski, along with their respective teams tonight. Stay tuned for more info...
Psionic Aftermath vs SNIPED
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Psionic Aftermath is defeated by SNIPED 3-4 in a hard fought clan war.
Breaking News – Points Recognition, Gaming Status, Events and More
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Psionic Aftermath were here were here to be your premier Starcraft community. We’ve updated to the latest tech to...
In House Clan War: Team Dreadski vs Team Ferrite Enroll Now
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Please check out Ferrite’s forum post for all info regarding our first major event. If any further questions arise,...
Major Patch for Multiplayer – Starcraft II
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Major design changes are coming to Multiplayer in Patch 3.8! Source: Patch 3.8 Preview: Major Patch for...
Tournament -Team Elendil vs Team Insaneguy 8PM Central Time Friday, Sept 21st
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Here we go pitting the PsionX team managers against each other! This is an in-house clan tournament. The clan...