January 23, 2017January 23, 2017, Featured, News, 0 Psionic Aftermath is defeated by SNIPED 3-4 in a hard fought clan war. [arve url=”https://youtu.be/ICOCHF2Kjh0″/]
+ Through magic feats and player swaps September 22, 2012September 22, 2012, Featured, News, 0 Team Insaneguy comes out with the win 3-2 in the Team Insaneguy vs Team Elendil Tournament. View the replay...
+ Psionic Aftermath vs Ash3s [Clan War] January 22, 2017January 22, 2017, Featured, News, 0 Psionic Aftermath is defeated by Ash3s 3-4 in a hard fought clan war.
+ Bayside hosting Peepmode Tonight 8/11 August 11, 2012August 12, 2012, News, 0 Check out Bayside’s peepmode event tonight open to all contact him in our channel PsionicAftermath on Sc2 if interested.
+ Psionic Aftermath vs Rival Gaming January 22, 2017January 22, 2017, Featured, News, 0 Psionic Aftermath is defeated by Rival Gaming 1-4 in a hard fought clan war. Due to a technical glitch...
+ StarCraft in the Olympics??? August 5, 2012August 7, 2012, Featured, News, 4 Check out this video from fox news, StarCraft as a future olympic event… Where some of our players could...
+ StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void 3.8.0 Patch Goes Love November 22nd November 22, 2016November 22, 2016, Featured, News, 0 Patch 3.8 Goes Live November 22nd bringing the third and final missions pack of Nova Covert Ops, a multiplayer...
+ Ferrite, Master League Protoss Looking for Trainee’s July 22, 2012October 16, 2016, Featured, News, 0 Master League Protoss trainer Ferrite is looking for members to join Protoss training. Head over to the Training Section...
+ Battle.net Blocked in Iran due to U.S. Sanctions August 30, 2012October 16, 2016, Featured, News, 0 It was reported in the World of Warcraft Blizzard Forum that users in Iran were unable to access battle.net where...