August 20, 2012October 16, 2016, Featured, News, 0 Sunday August 26th Psionic Aftermath will be holding an in house tournament for all that would like to join. Please register here for the event. You can also discuss the event in the event forum located here.
+ Blocked in Iran due to U.S. Sanctions August 30, 2012October 16, 2016, Featured, News, 0 It was reported in the World of Warcraft Blizzard Forum that users in Iran were unable to access where...
+ Psionic Aftermath vs Art of Warfare January 23, 2017January 23, 2017, Featured, News, 0 Psionic Aftermath Victorious in their Clan War vs Art of Warfare final score 3-2.
+ Psionic Aftermath vs Lost in Translation January 9, 2017January 9, 2017, Featured, News, 0 Psionic Aftermath Victorious 5-2 in our Clan War vs Lost in Translation
+ Team Ferrite Takes the win 3-2 replay video enclosed August 17, 2012October 16, 2016, Featured, News, 3 A big thank you from all of us to everyone who competed, watched and helped organize/cast the event today....
+ Psionic Aftermath vs Rival Gaming January 22, 2017January 22, 2017, Featured, News, 0 Psionic Aftermath is defeated by Rival Gaming 1-4 in a hard fought clan war. Due to a technical glitch...
+ Clan War Psionic Aftermath vs The Risen Ashes November 12, 2016November 12, 2016, Featured, News, 0 In a best out of 9 tournament vs The Risen Ashes Psionic Aftermath comes out Victorious. Thank you to...
+ The results are in Psionic Aftermath 3 TKO Gaming 1 in Sunday Sept 2nd Clan War September 5, 2012September 5, 2012, Featured, News, 2 Psionic Aftermath racks up another win this time vs TKO Gaming playing in an all Master League player clan...
Server Migration Complete March 24, 2013September 10, 2013, News, 0 While readying for Psionic Aftermath’s HOTS Relaunch we have migrated to a new server. If you see any unexpected...