Master League Protoss trainer Ferrite is looking for members to join Protoss training. Head over to the Training Section of the Forums and post if you are interested.
Did we mention It’s free to Psionic Aftermath members.
Master League Protoss trainer Ferrite is looking for members to join Protoss training. Head over to the Training Section of the Forums and post if you are interested.
Did we mention It’s free to Psionic Aftermath members.
JediZealot recently posted in the in our forum that Heart of the Swarm beta is coming. Make sure you...
Give props to Riumy for coming out victorious in our 1v1 tournament! Thank you to everyone who participated and...
Psionic Aftermath were here were here to be your premier Starcraft community. We’ve updated to the latest tech to...
It was reported in the World of Warcraft Blizzard Forum that users in Iran were unable to access where...
The battle against hackers continues. Source: Blizzard Korea Bans 10,000 Overwatch Cheaters in Wake of “Nuking” Attacks
Psionic Aftermath is defeated by Team Horizon 4-6 in a hard fought clan war.
Psionic Aftermath is defeated by SNIPED 3-4 in a hard fought clan war.
Psionic Aftermath racks up another win this time vs TKO Gaming playing in an all Master League player clan...
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