Psionic Aftermath were here were here to be your premier Starcraft community. We’ve updated to the latest tech to make your experience with us enjoyable as possible.
New features include:
Private and Public activity/messaging
Goal oriented points system – you get points/ranked for being active in the community by posting to anywhere in the site, logging in daily, uploading an avatar, commenting on topics and status’s, commenting on posts and more!
Forum signatures – add by editing your profile
Event management system – apply to be in events
Many others too many to list
As always an question comments or site suggestions send them to me Insaneguy or post them here in the site suggestions forum.
with the event’s where can you check to see if events are starting or doing, like where do we see the event page?
You beat me to adding the event’s button by a couple minutes its live now.
Looking really good so far