January 13, 2017January 13, 2017, Featured, News, 2 The battle against hackers continues. Source: Blizzard Korea Bans 10,000 Overwatch Cheaters in Wake of “Nuking” Attacks
+ Unity And Prosperity Come With A New Beginning! Meet Dreadski! August 4, 2012October 16, 2016, Featured, News, 0 After much thought and consideration Dreadski was appointed as Co-Leader of Psionic Aftermath! He was chosen because of his...
+ Major Patch for Multiplayer – Starcraft II November 14, 2016November 14, 2016, Featured, News, 2 Major design changes are coming to Multiplayer in Patch 3.8! Source: Patch 3.8 Preview: Major Patch for...
+ In House Clan War: Team Dreadski vs Team Ferrite Enroll Now August 10, 2012October 16, 2016, News, 0 Please check out Ferrite’s forum post for all info regarding our first major event. If any further questions arise,...
+ Clan Wars 101 August 5, 2012October 16, 2016, Featured, News, 0 Multi Talented Moderator / Event Coordinator / Caster ggAudacity did a great write up on about Clan Wars in...
+ 2-0 in our clan war adventures thanks to Ferrite! July 26, 2012July 26, 2012, Featured, News, 0 It look grim when clan wars started we were behind by 4 games and Ferrite stepped up to the...
+ Psionic Aftermath vs SNIPED January 23, 2017January 23, 2017, Featured, News, 0 Psionic Aftermath is defeated by SNIPED 3-4 in a hard fought clan war.
+ Heart of the Swarm Beta coming soon sneak peak video enclosed! August 16, 2012August 16, 2012, Featured, News, 0 JediZealot recently posted in the in our forum that Heart of the Swarm beta is coming. Make sure you...
damn there were 10,000 cheaters haha wooooww
I couldn’t believe there were that many!!