A funny video I thought I would share with you all.
Team Ferrite vs Team Dreadski, Watch Live Tonight 8/17 @ 7:30PM CST
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Be prepared for an epic battle between our Co-Leaders Ferrite and Dreadski, along with their respective teams tonight. Stay tuned for more info...
Psionic Aftermath vs Lost in Translation
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Psionic Aftermath Victorious 5-2 in our Clan War vs Lost in Translation
Breaking News – Points Recognition, Gaming Status, Events and More
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Psionic Aftermath were here were here to be your premier Starcraft community. We’ve updated to the latest tech to...
In House 1v1 Tournament 8/26 1PM CST
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Sunday August 26th Psionic Aftermath will be holding an in house tournament for all that would like to join....
StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void 3.8.0 Patch Goes Love November 22nd
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Patch 3.8 Goes Live November 22nd bringing the third and final missions pack of Nova Covert Ops, a multiplayer...
Dreadski, Master League Zerg looking for trainee’s
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Master League Zerg Trainer Dreadski is looking for members to join Zerg training. Head over to the Training Section...
Psionic Aftermath vs The Formless Bearsloths on The Nydus
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Psionic Aftermath Victorious in their clan war vs The Formless Bearsloths on The Nydus (actual match starts at 35 minutes...
Major Patch for Multiplayer – Starcraft II
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Major design changes are coming to Multiplayer in Patch 3.8! Source: Patch 3.8 Preview: Major Patch for...