It look grim when clan wars started we were behind by 4 games and Ferrite stepped up to the playing field for a 5 game winning streak. Final Score us 5 them 4. Amazing job Ferrite you are the boss!
2-0 in our clan war adventures thanks to Ferrite!
Through magic feats and player swaps
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Team Insaneguy comes out with the win 3-2 in the Team Insaneguy vs Team Elendil Tournament. View the replay...
Blizzard Korea Bans 10,000 Overwatch Cheaters in Wake of “Nuking” Attacks
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The battle against hackers continues. Source: Blizzard Korea Bans 10,000 Overwatch Cheaters in Wake of “Nuking” Attacks
Breaking News – Points Recognition, Gaming Status, Events and More
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Psionic Aftermath were here were here to be your premier Starcraft community. We’ve updated to the latest tech to...
Clan War Psionic Aftermath vs Risen From Ashes
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Psionic Aftermath vs Risen From Ashes Nov. 12 @ 5:30pm Central Less that one week away Psionic Aftermath will...
Black Friday Sale: The Best Deals on Blizzard Games!
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Prepare for the holidays with an entire week of savings on digital downloads of select Blizzard products, including deals...
Twitter YouTube and Integration
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We have a social thing going on here if you haven’t noticed. You can now sync your Twitter posts,...
Clan Wars 101
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Multi Talented Moderator / Event Coordinator / Caster ggAudacity did a great write up on about Clan Wars in...
Congratulations to ByuN the 2016 StarCraft II WCS Champion – StarCraft II
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Congratulations to ByuN the winner of the 2016 StarCraft II World Championship Series! Source: Congratulations to the 2016 StarCraft...